Just a quick post following up on yesterday’s entry about creating a virtual machine in VirtualBox. One useful feature of a virtual machine host is being able to load and run virtual appliances. It is common for virtual appliances to only be available as a VMWare VMDK so it would be useful to know how… Continue reading Convert VMWare VMDK to VirtualBox VDI
Tag: howto
Create a new VirtualBox from command line
I am running my virtual machine host on a headless Ubuntu server. This means that all of my interacting with VirtualBox is done through the command line over SSH. Here is the commands that I use to create a new virtual machine. These command examples are specific to VirtualBox 3.1 and later. Any bold text in… Continue reading Create a new VirtualBox from command line
Syncing My Music Collection
My music library is massive. iTunes tells me that I could play music non-stop for 7.2 days without repeating anything. I used to have trouble thinking of what to listen to without playing the same tracks over and over. That is in those dark, dark days before Genius Mixes. Well that is all well and good for when… Continue reading Syncing My Music Collection